Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Three things of note today:

My girlfriend is pretty much amazing. She takes my breath away. She is my own precious little treasure which I would sell all my possessions to attain. Every moment spent with her is fantastic, and when I don’t see her (even for a day or two) it feels like an eternity. I can’t believe that I didn’t see how amazing she was before we met. Just peering into those wild blue and dovelike eyes takes my breath away, holding her hand as we drive down the interstate is mesmerizing, holding her close and smelling her hair is breathtaking. Sitting in the park, walking around Newport, and whatever else we do holds a sacred place within me. I look forward to classes just because she is in them. Wow. Wow.

I want to be an author. Courtney and I went to Newport today and sat on the “beach”, looking at the Cincinnati skyline. She asked, “What did you want to be when you were younger?” “A paleontologist,” I told her; “You?” She replied, “I wanted to be an author.” “Why don’t you become one, then?” What does it take to be a good author? In my mind, it takes talent, skills, desire, and determination. It isn’t easy, but it can be done. I have been in a slump of “writer’s block” lately, so one of my current works has come to a halt around eighty pages. I find myself sitting at the computer just trying to write, but not having the… ability… to do so. It is quite aggravating. Perhaps I will turn my attention upon my collection of horror short stories; “The Shadow of the Wolf” was quite good, and I am working on a zombie one now that holds quite a sparkle of promise. I have two other ideas—one involving vampires, the other monsters under the bed—but I have no idea what the fifth short story will be. Anyways, I need to really begin clamping down on my writing, honing it in and developing it, and then—maybe—I will become an author one day. It is something I’ve always dreamed about; being an author up-to-par with Stephen King. We’ll see what happens.

The path of discipleship. My sister back home is dating a boy named Tom, and he is proud to be a Buddhist. He grew up Catholic, was turned-off by all the rules and regulations, and he explored different religions and faiths until coming to an appreciation of Buddhism. He is a practicing Buddhist, not one of those who claim Buddhism as a religion just so they can indulge themselves in making life pleasing. He has changed many of his bad habits to bring about a better life for himself and those around him. He is a great guy, from what I can tell from talking with him and spending time with him at Starbucks. This made me think: “Here is someone so attracted to the teachings of Buddhism that he abandons those things that run against it in order to be truly devoted… How come Christians—such as myself—often claim allegiance to Christ but ignore or discredit or simply toss away his teachings?” Let me be very honest here: I’ve made mistakes, I haven’t stuck to Christ’s teachings more than once, and God forgives me. But at the same time He beckons me forward to enrich myself more fully in His kingdom; He beckons me to enjoy Him more; He invites me to taste the joy, tranquility, and warmth of a dynamic friendship with Him. What stands in the way? My iniquity—sins that I keep returning to despite knowing they are wrong. I must forsake these iniquities and embrace Christ. I must take Jesus’ teachings, explore them and meditate on them, and then apply them to my life, “fleshing them out” in how I live my life. This has really been on my mind as of late, but I must not just keep it on the brain but bring it to fruition in my heart—and thus let it overflow into my life.


Unknown said...


If you would like to become an author - and particularly as you write short stories - you should check out the your-story.org site.

There is a short story competition, as well as prizes for the best autobiographical stories.

Also, you can find the your-story forum, where writers, avid readers, published authors and literary editors will share all kinds of tips and advice about story writing, editing, getting work published *and* how to deal with writers block!

I hope you will check out the site.

Keep writing,


Unknown said...

Sorry, I forgot to mention, the site will go 'live' on 12th April (next week) when all guest short stories and biographies, celebrity stories and user submitted stories shall be published in one go!

The site IS ready to submit stories to at present, but the prize and competition details, and the stories that are submitted, will be kept under wraps until the site launch on the 12th!

lochnes said...

Thanks for the comment on dragonlives4ever blog...I have a page on myspace.com/hugadavid...visit me. Loved 36 hours. David

Adam said...

Anthony - I've been thinking about Buddhism quite a bit lately. From what I hear, people are flocking to Buddhism because it seems to be the religion where people actually practice and live out what they believe.

darker than silence said...


I think you might be right. It's sad how few Christians actually put into practice the teachings of Jesus. I myself am one who struggles with it. Thank God we are saved by grace and not by how well we adhere to the teachings of Christ; on the same token, that is no excuse to divorce ourselves from the responsibility we have to live out our status as God's redeemed children.

I plan on looking into Buddhism and exploring its teachings and such for myself sometime soon.

Anonymous said...

Funny as it may seem, a more worthwhile study might be Islam, but from a Christian perspective. Consider the following...

Sura 3.84 “Say: We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us, and what was revealed to Ibrahim [Abraham] and Ismail [Ishmael] and Ishaq [Isaac] and Yaqoub [Jacob/Israel] and the tribes, and what was given to Musa [Moses] and Isa [Jesus] and to the prophets from their Lord; we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to Him do we submit.”


Sura 2.97 Say: Whoever is the enemy of Jibreel [Gabriel] -- for surely he revealed it to your heart by Allah’s command, verifying that which is before it and guidance and good news for the believers.

Sura 2.98 Whoever is the enemy of Allah and His angels and His apostles and Jibreel [Gabriel] and Meekaeel [Michael], so surely Allah is the enemy of the unbelievers.

And perhaps...

Sura 2.87 And most certainly We gave Musa [Moses] the Book and We sent apostles after him one after another; and We gave Isa, the son of Marium [Jesus, the son of Mary], clear arguments and strengthened him with the holy spirit, What! Whenever then an apostle came to you with that which your souls did not desire, you were insolent so you called some liars and some you slew.

Note: Here we have a specific reference to “the Book” being given to Moses. The question must then be asked: “How much understanding do the Muslims of today have about that which is written in “the Book” of Musa [Moses]; and the “clear arguments” of Isa, the son of Marium [Jesus, the son of Mary]?” For that matter: this same question could be asked of most of today’s professing Christians and Jews!

This might be a more compelling study, from a Christian perspective, than Buddahism.

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