Thursday, April 14, 2011

a milestone

Over the past several weeks, I've really been cracking down on being healthy (minus the whole cigarettes thing; one step at a time). I've been re:reading an amazing book recommended by my doctor--"The Culprit & The Cure"--and have been putting into practice what it's all about: embracing a holistically healthy lifestyle. Essentially the book is all about (a) diet and (b) exercise. I've been learning a lot about the ins-and-outs regarding why eating a "prudent" diet (one adhering to the Nutrition Pyramid), and it's fascinating to see all the health benefits associated with a diet consisting mainly of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. I've been putting this into practice, and I've been feeling great. Regarding exercise, my doctor (who, I should add, is also a good friend) gave me a $500 mountain bike for free. I've gotten pretty pumped up about it, and I've been riding it whenever I can. This afternoon I went for a 20-mile ride along the Miami River. It was beautiful, sunny, exhilarating, and I feel great (albeit exhausted). Needless to say, this is a big break from what I've been doing since January, and already I've lost eight pounds. I'm looking and feeling good, and I'm itching to get on the bike again. I plan on biking to work Sunday. That'll be fun. And bad-ass. I'm re:doing the whole "monthly weigh-in" thing, except now focusing not so much on weight loss as on muscle growth (although weight loss does play into it, just not to the degree it did a year ago). Here's the last picture taken (sometime in August of last year, I think):

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