I am starting off the month right: coffee and toast at The Anchor Grill in Covington. I do enjoy this place. It is perfect for getting alone to journal and think for a while. “So what am I thinking about this morning?” Last night Jessie and I went to Sitwell’s Café. I told her, “I am torn between two different directions: glorifying myself and glorifying God.” I know I need to submit fully to God, but I am afraid to do so. Why? Because, due to experiences, I have been “taught”—and wrongly taught—that submission to God is synonymous with emotional torment and torture. I fear that if I fully submit to God, I will be tormented and miserable—and so, thus far, I have been trying to achieve peace, contentment, and joy by my own means. And all the while, God is standing before me, arms outstretched, begging me to come to Him; and not to torture me, but “to give me something.” To give me what? My dreams? A wife? A family? Peace? Joy? Contentment? Do I trust Him? I don’t know.
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