Friday, May 27, 2005

Dallas Willard's commencement address to students at Greenville College, 2004:

Remember who you are before God. You are an unceasing spiritual being with an eternal destiny in God’s great universe. Strong currents in our society will attempt to keep you from realizing who you are before God.

Remember to keep God before your mind. Set the Lord before you. Keep Him in your mind. You can learn to do this. You can bring God before your mind constantly and train yourself to have Him there always.

Remember to live sacrificially. Don’t make it your aim to get what you want. Serve others. Remember, God gives grace to the humble. He calls us to submit ourselves to the mighty hand of God that, when the time is right, He will lift us up.

Remember you need a plan of discipline. Living the Christ life requires it. What’s normally thought of as church activities is not enough, even if you’re one of the leaders. Put together and follow a plan of solitude and silence, Scripture memorization, fasting, prayer, and worship.

If you regularly do these things, Christ will grow in you and His character will become your character. Then you will routinely and easily do the things He did and said to do out of love, joy, peace, and power.

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