Monday, May 30, 2005

Saturday I graduated, went to Dylan and Tyler's graduation party (amazing pasta salad!), and relaxed at home for my own grad party. Sunday, Dylan, Ams and I ran around together, visiting Shelby and Kristen's house for their parties, eating good food, sharing laughter. Dylan left last night and my family went out to eat at Skyline Chili (not a big fan), and I saw Episode III for the second time. Excellent movie. I think the book will be good, too; it is written real well. I am wanting to read through all six this summer, but I don't know if I'll be able to do it. Today Dylan is coming over and we're going to Pat Hague's graduation party, then skipping up to the small, unknown Ohio town of Anna, to say hi to a friend of ours who graduated.

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