Saturday, November 20, 2010


Yesterday I went down to Cincinnati for a job interview. It went well, and the owner tentatively offered me a part-time gig. I went home and did lots of calculations and there's no way I could sustain myself on that pay. Oh well. It was nice walking around Fountain Square, and I got to swing by to see Rob at the Carew Tower before heading home. Today I went to Christmas in Springboro with Dewenter, and we met up with Hank and his wife Ashlie (who live on the main strip) and we got bourbon chicken and visited the various tents and then we went to The Garage which we helped build 5-6 years ago and lamented how what had at one time been a pretty successful venue has become a bike shop (albeit a pretty great bike shop). On the way back to my place, where we enjoyed some beer and Mario-Kart with Dad, we talked about how nostalgic the festival is for us, and we pondered how life carries us forward and we never know what's up next. Tomorrow I'll be going to church and then to the Oakwood Starbucks to visit my friend Jess Lynn while hammering out notes for the next chapter in "Re:framing Repentance." Oh: and I set up a small Christmas Tree in my room. It's pretty nice. Thanksgiving is next week, and it'll be good to visit family whom I don't see too often. 

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