Sunday, May 01, 2011

monthly weigh-in #1

As promised, to the few who care, the monthly weigh-in has been jump-started. I reached my goal of 135 pounds, then went back to 149, and am back down to 139. I always gain weight in the winter (like most people I know), and now that thpring's blothomed (that's "spring's blossomed" with a lisp), I've been getting back in the swing of things. Because of all this damned rain, I haven't been able to get out and bike as much as I'd like. Hopefully the rain will let up for a bit and I can re:engage my cardiovascular activities. Rain hasn't, however, kept me from my main focus: building muscle. I've been working every muscle group in my body according to a strict plan that focuses on building muscle the right way. I've put a lot of research into this puppy, and I've been seeing results. The picture to the left was taken this morning: 139 pounds (four heavier than my old goal, but no worries). Although I've gained weight, I'm thinking most of it is muscle mass, as I look skinnier than I did at 135. Here is my current battle-plan as it stands (and I've been doing this for about a month now):

Diet: whole grains, vegetables, fruits, lean meats (i.e. fish and poultry, never fried or baked), eggs, and a few red meats and light dairy. This is essentially the "Nutritional Food Pyramid" put into practice. Every now and then I have something unhealthy; there's no problem with it as long as it's not a routine thing. I could never stop getting China Cottage with Patrick, for example; it's our tradition, and a beloved one at that. And I won't turn down food that people bring me as a gift: usually this food is way too delicious for me to turn down, anyways. And I'll still go out to eat with friends, just eat sparingly and in moderate amounts. I don't know where lamb meat falls on the spectrum; I'm getting Gyro Palace with Carly tomorrow and with Jessica Wednesday, pretty excited about it.

Exercise: As I said, I've been working (or at least trying to work) all the major muscle groups in my body. Much focus has been given to my arms, chest, and legs. I also do extensive work with my abdomen once a week (I work so hard I can't do it more than once a week; the pain is miserable but beautiful). I was going to outline my schedule but then realized that no one (including myself) would care to read it. So I'll just skip that part. I try to get in at least half an hour of cardio a day, usually on the bike; but if I can't, I always do pilates for half an hour before bed. Makes you limber and makes you quick! 

Anyways. I still want to get rid of my belly (which you can see in full detail in this picture), but that may take me a couple months. I just hope to get a good amount of it off by the time Hilton Head rolls around in late June. I'd like to hit the beaches knowing that everyone's thinking, "Wow, that ten-year-old kid looks like he could fuck someone up." Ha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

umm you have no tummy! you cant even see one "clearly", as you stated, in the picture, because there is no tummy. You're silly for thinking you had a tummy to need to get rid of hah

p.s. this is ams :)

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