Sunday, December 17, 2006

Some people just do not understand what "maturity" is all about. It doesn't matter your age, you can be just as immature as a preschooler. This was seen in vibrant fashion today when some people, fueled by disagreement with one of the ministers at our church, posted fliers in the church building saying, "[The minister] is a liar" and "[The minister] is a hypocrite" (if my sources tell me correctly, for I was not there; slept in till 12:30). Look, if you disagree with something the minister says/does, that's perfectly okay. But you have no right to go publishing your own disagreements to where everyone can see them. That is slander, fueled not by compassion and love but by selfishness and bitterness. It has nothing to do with Christ. The only people being "slandered" are the ones who do such things. I am absolutely appalled that someone would do such a thing. Whoever did this should be ashamed of themselves.

Now to continue my studies of the prophet Isaiah...


Mike said...

I agree anthony. if someone has a complaint, the biblical thing to do is approach that person, and if you cannot resolve the issue, then go your separate ways. there are several examples of paul having to part company with someone. He didn't appear to slander or belittle the other. leaving without causing a stir is the respectable thing to do. however, oftentimes emotion is stronger than wise thinking and our actions are ill advised. i would question the heart of anyone who tries to tear the body apart as it is hurting. this does no good for anyone.

Anonymous said...

ditto what mike says

Adam said...

I'm just glad we saw the signs before any real harm was done. To be honest, I might not have noticed them, but thankfully someone did and we took them down before more than just a few saw them.

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