Thursday, December 07, 2006

Do you know what I’m afraid of? I’m so afraid. I never thought I would say this to you: I am afraid of being alone. This fear haunts me, eats me, consumes me, day in and day out, judging and liquidating my every move. I fear, so badly, never having anyone. I fear growing old, cold, alone, never tasting love, and dying alone and forgotten in those whitewashed tombs: nursing homes. I am so afraid I will never taste the kiss of a loving girl, the warmth of her body close, be the focus of sparkling eyes and tender touch and shy smiles. I fear never being loved, only watching others parade in fashion while I lie hungering and thirsting and crying in my own silence. I can’t rationalize my fear away; you can’t rationalize the fear of snakes or spiders, and my life’s history gives no alternative meaning: ‘No one wants you, and all who might are taken from you.’ I am left alone, unwanted, watching my friends and their girls, watching the one thing I so intensely desire fall into the hands of others. For so long I’ve lain alone at home in bed as my friends went out with all those who shared affection.
    I don’t want sex or making out. I want someone to talk with, someone to hold close, a girl who doesn’t shiver at my sight, but draws close, finding comfort in my arms. When she cries, I want to hold her. When I cry, I want her to hold me. I am a romantic shunned, looking around and seeing sex-mongers cheating the romance out of girls, leaving them hollow, slutty shells – the rape of all good and true. I want a girl so badly, a genuine and authentic, loving and cherished, a beautiful and captivating girl to find refuge in my arms, to cry no more. I want to go to candlelit dinners, to hold her by a fire, to feed off her warmth under the stars, to whisper in her ear, ‘It will be okay.’ I want to love and be loved. I want to tell her, "You're so beautiful and I love you with everything I am," and have her be comforted and encouraged.
      Did you ever see the movie Donnie Darko? Donnie falls in love with Gretchen, and she is killed – run over by a car. It is very tragic. This haunts me, sears me, paralyzes me. It comes up in my dreams and nightmares. I am Donnie – weird, socially blundering, wanting the girl. Gretchen is the one I seek; I am the one who’s filled her dreams of weddings and engagements and honeymoons. Then she is taken, brutally and savagely, innocent and angelic, battered and bloodied. This I fear, too: discovering the One – and she is taken from me. I fear she will be taken from me.


      Marc Johnson said...

      I can relate. Been there done that. Still my greatest fear. But it's a fear that if you let it consume you can get you into trouble. I almost married a woman I had no business being with because of that fear. Sometimes you have to let your mind tell your heart to shut up and listen. Easier said than done I realize. Nothing teaches better than experience. I hope yours isn't too hard.

      Anonymous said...

      deep inside of everyone this fear lies. however, you are one of the few willing enough to admit it. just do not let something that is right in front of you go away because the fear is blinding. and do not forget that the Lord above cares and knows how you feel and what you think

      Anonymous said...

      good things come to those that wait. I read 36 hours and u have a talent. I'm sure its not as dark as this last entry. when i get down..i just reach 4 a comedy. may i suggest any chris farley movie.

      Anonymous said...

      Have you ever thought you might have GAD? I think I might have it. I don't want to take any weird medicines though. I am praying for you! You are not alone!

      Anonymous said...

      dont watch those depressing movies like donnie a comedy or go people watching at a mall...those work for me..good zombie book!!!

      Anonymous said...

      On a different note...WE NEED TO HANG OUT WHEN I GET HOME FOR CHRISTMAS BREAK! We need to go paintballing man. Call me ASAP Love you man!Looking forward to see you.

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