Saturday, October 29, 2005

my statement of belief

I believe the Scriptures are inspired by God and useful in our everyday lives. I believe they have been passed down to us and remain the same now as they did for the very first readers and hearers.

The mission of Christ is to bring the Kingdom of God to people, cultures, and the entire world. Christ’s goal is to return to us the life we lost, the life of intimacy with God, intimacy with others, and intimacy with creation. The mission of Christ is not forgiveness of sins, it is the Kingdom of God.

Christ calls us to become His disciples, to adhere to His teachings and learn what it means to be His follower in our current-day-and-age. Through discipleship we come to know God more and more intimately, and this spills into our relationships with others and our relationship with creation.

The Church is the Body of Christ, or those who are students of Christ living His Way and engaging in the Kingdom of God. The Church exists not only for those who are currently united with God, but also for those who are not. It is the Church’s mission to advance the Kingdom of God into people, cultures, and creation. The Church is comprised of disciples of Christ making disciples of Christ.

God created the earth to bring Him glory and mankind to share in fellowship with Him. Sin entered the world and mankind became separated from God. Jesus Christ came to reconcile us with God and thereby made the Kingdom of God available to all through the forgiveness found in His sacrifice. Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and mankind. For all those who accept His grace and follow Him, He gives the Holy Spirit as a guide and comforter.


Anonymous said...

I coudn't have said it any better, my friend. Thats exactly the way it is and that's exactly the way I beleive also.

Dylan said...

Thats really good stuff anthony, It really is. Very well said my friend.

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