Last Tuesday my friend Clare and I--she is a special friend--went to Caesar's Creek. We were going to play on the decrepit swing bridge with the rotting boards, but for some reason--probably due to the fact that one's trek across it was the equivalent of flirting with certain death--the park rangers tore it down. So instead we played in the creek and chased a snake and then went to the Lake and swam for a while. The next day I went to North Park with several friends and I wanted to climb the crumbling cliff-face but it was closed off. I'm going to go again tomorrow and follow the creek to it; it's a longer path but I doubt they've closed off the creek-bed. This morning I worked 6-8:00 (yes, only two hours) and now I'm getting ready to see Clare again. She's coming over to the house to meet Maebe and see my place and we're going to maybe go swimming and fix lunch and I'm going to introduce her to Mario Kart.
This evening I plan on finishing the next chapter in my book on repentance; the chapter is entitled "Re:defining Salvation" and it essentially puts salvation within its Judeo-historical framework, thus alienating the inaccuracies of both conservative evangelicalism and liberal progressivism in their soteriological convictions. The book has been great fun to write, think about, and study for; yet I take the humility of N.T. Wright as my own and blatantly confess, "20% of what I'm going to write will be wrong. I just don't know what 20% it is." 20% is a pretty conservative estimate, to be honest. Truthfully, I often feel like I'm writing about things far over my head, and that even in my deepest ponderings and most detailed studies, I feel as if I am just scratching the surface. Nevertheless, I do hope that it will serve the kingdom in some way, shape, and form. It is the first book in a four-part series I'm going to be doing; "Re:Framing Repentance" will be followed by "Re:Framing Faith", "Re:Framing Baptism", and "Re:Framing Salvation." I'm excited about all of them. Each book will probably be around, oh, 300 pages, I'm guessing. The first is already at 60 pages and I've only got the first three chapters of twelve written :(. But some of the later chapters will be significantly shorter.
P.S. The title of this post was supposed to be "Hello September" but I misspelled September and the word processor automatically changed it to Septicemia (which is apparently a medical term denoting the presence of bacteria in the blood). So far as I know I don't have septicemia, but it's a cool word nonetheless. Here is a cute picture of a turtle from Caesar's Creek:

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