Thursday, March 02, 2006

"What if the trials God sends us are not so that He can find out the quality of our faith--for He already knows--but that so we can see it ourselves?" - C.S. Lewis, "A Grief Observed", page 52

Today has been a really good day. God has really been teaching me through my trials and troubles. Speaking to my D-Group, I said, "I'm thankful for all the emotional suffering I've been through; it's served, in a way, as the foundation for the evolution of my faith. And a foundation built on suffering is a solid foundation."

"We're moving forward, but holding ourselves back, and we're waiting on something that will never come." (Straylight Run) I want deeper intimacy with God. I want to feel His presence wherever I go. I want the reality of reconciliation to be real in my everyday life. I want the Incarnation to be a reality for me. But if I stay where I am now, I will never get deeper. If I stay here, I am safe. I am still loved, cherished, and accepted by God. But so much more awaits--if I wish to seize it, I must move. It will not fall into my lap.

1 comment:

Dylan said...

Ohhhhh!!! Anthony your words are like sweet honey to my lips! Seeking after God or being a "God Chaser" as I like to call it is the most worthwhile thing we will ever do. There is so much more to God we havent seen! We must seek after more.

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