Thursday, March 02, 2006

"What if the trials God sends us are not so that He can find out the quality of our faith--for He already knows--but that so we can see it ourselves?" - C.S. Lewis, "A Grief Observed", page 52

Today has been a really good day. God has really been teaching me through my trials and troubles. Speaking to my D-Group, I said, "I'm thankful for all the emotional suffering I've been through; it's served, in a way, as the foundation for the evolution of my faith. And a foundation built on suffering is a solid foundation."

"We're moving forward, but holding ourselves back, and we're waiting on something that will never come." (Straylight Run) I want deeper intimacy with God. I want to feel His presence wherever I go. I want the reality of reconciliation to be real in my everyday life. I want the Incarnation to be a reality for me. But if I stay where I am now, I will never get deeper. If I stay here, I am safe. I am still loved, cherished, and accepted by God. But so much more awaits--if I wish to seize it, I must move. It will not fall into my lap.

1 comment:

Dylan said...

Ohhhhh!!! Anthony your words are like sweet honey to my lips! Seeking after God or being a "God Chaser" as I like to call it is the most worthwhile thing we will ever do. There is so much more to God we havent seen! We must seek after more.

where we're headed

Over the last several years, we've undergone a shift in how we operate as a family. We're coming to what we hope is a better underst...