Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Some would've sworn I had hit the bottle a little too hard yesterday. Since I had to wake up so early, I did not get any more sleep. I had work and class all afternoon, and then in the evening I spent my time studying and hanging out with Caleb. I drank down six shots of espresso to try and stay awake; I became a jittery little lightning-bug, bouncing off the walls and speaking fast as lightning. For twenty minutes I sat in the coffee shop and rambled on and on about Jeremiah, Hosea and Gomer, Isaiah, and the prophet Amos. Eventually I calmed down and crashed, falling asleep around 12:30 a.m. last night.
    I am very happy that Julie and I are getting beyond the breakup and are entering the realm of non-romantic friendship. I asked her last night if she thought there was any hope for there being a future with us, and she said, "No." I already knew the answer, but I had to have her say it to help me "move on." It gets easier and easier each passing day, and I really enjoy being her friend. She is a real encouragement to me and makes my day brighter! I am not going to be going after any other girls for a while, for several reasons. First, I don't want it to look (to Julie) like me getting another girlfriend means that my relationship with her didn't mean anything to me. Second, I don't really like anyone right now. Third, I don't know but only two points makes me look unsure. How about number three be that I just want to really hear what God wants to say about me and girls? Sure, let's go that route. I will keep all of you informed!
      Well, I must go and get ready to study the prophet Jonah in class. I love my O.T. Prophecy class.
        On the schedule for this week:
        a) Three Views on Baptism
        b) A Memoir of Joshua
        c) The Prophet Obadiah (Sunday's lesson)
        And anything else I think that may be of interest. Posts I am working on:
        a) Biblical Repentance
        b) "Once Saved, Always Saved?" The question of Eternal Security

        1 comment:

        agapetos said...

        I really admire you for staying friends with Julie, I know that isn't easy to do. It was usually my hope to stay friends ex's.

        I'm glad you're going to give yourself some time .... if for no other reason then you don't want to accidentall slip and call the next girl by one of your ex's names! That happened to me once, and I think he even felt worse then I did!! Enjoy your singleness and concentrate on school and other stuff. (a little mother-like advice!)

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