Monday, October 04, 2010

pipe club re:mixed

Yesterday Tyler bought a pipe and some pipe tobacco, and he and Dylan came over when I got off work. I gave Dylan my old pipe and broke out the Savinelli I received as a graduation gift from my good friend Matt Jobst. I tried the Irish Cream tobacco. We sat on the front porch in the blistering cold and smoked our pipes and laughed till we cried. Here is a picture of the three of us with our respective pipes (though you can't see Tyler's, on the right).

Aunt Teri & Grandma are in town. My great aunt Ethel has been in and out of the hospital, so they're staying here for a few days and traveling up to Springfield to see her each afternoon and evening. I have the day off (and tomorrow I start up another 5-day work week) and need to run some errands. I'm going to finish my PDP at work and then finish revising Chapter IX in "Re:framing Repentance," and after that who knows? I may be getting sushi with some friends from work but that's up in the air now. I need to get the tire on my car fixed, but I'll probably wait till my next day off to do that. The spare is holding up just fine (knock on wood). I'm enjoying this cold weather but wish there would've been that "transition" between the 90s and the 50s. It's like we just plunged straight into the first echoes of winter.

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