Sunday, January 23, 2011

a mellow saturday

Saturday? A success. Dylan and I got down to Cincinnati around 3:30, and we spent the evening hanging out at the Claypole House with tons of good people. Not literally tons, of course; I use that as a figure of speech. We had Thai food for dinner and spent the evening playing on the Wii and watching 30 Rock. Dylan and I crashed at Amanda's apartment, and in the morning we hung out with Sarah before coming back. My Sunday has gone well, too. I missed an opportunity to hit up Southbrook with Carly and Jessica, but I'm sure that issue will be revisited. I've been in a mellow, contented mood all day, and I took the opportunity to get much-needed cleaning done. I reorganized my closet, got rid of some things, swept and mopped my room (it's hardwood; you have to use a certain cleaner for it), did not one and not two but three loads of laundry, and enjoyed Greek food for dinner, much thanks to my mom for considering me when she swung by Gyro Palace. I'll be cleaning my car out tomorrow and hopefully doing some writing between Now & Then. Some quotes from last night:

"Anthony, what the f*ck are you saying over there?"
"Anthony, you're crawling towards us like a f*cking little animal!"
"Anthony, you look like a freaking turtle when you do that. Stop."
"Just now, in my head, I did a remix of Backstreet Boys to doing mathematics."

Tomorrow Elle and I may be hanging out. Really looking forward to it. I need to think of something fun we can do. Right now I'm thinking either we'll make pancakes or brownies in a bowl (whatever the hell those are; she seems pretty excited about them). She has a four-hour break between classes, and I'm going to hang out with her in between and after her last class, during the interim period working on some writing at the local Panera, perhaps with some coffee and a baguette. Regardless, I'm really looking forward to seeing my girlfriend tomorrow. 

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