Tuesday, August 17, 2010

the hole gets deeper

Bad news: the car is totally fried. "It's not fit to be on the road," several mechanics told us. The entire undercarriage is rusted-out, which in turn led to something become detached and severing the fuel line (hence the leaking gasoline). No mechanics even dared to try to fix it--"Everything's so fragile, we'd probably cause more harm than good." The result is that the Prizm is at the end of its lifespan. It's what happens to old cars, and I know it's not my fault, but it still sucks. I'll have to draw forth a loan from the bank--if I can--to get a new car so I can make it, at the least, to and from work. This, on top of the bills I owe, and the enormous amount of school loans I have to hand over every month, means I don't make enough to even put towards savings. Which means I need a better job. Which is unfortunate, because I can't find another job, and I'm not exactly a "wise hire" in my field thanks to the social conventions of what a pastor should and should not be. So here I am car-less, making barely above minimum wage with a college degree, watching myself go deeper and deeper in debt. *sigh* Such is life.

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