My diet went to Hell yesterday. Chipotle for lunch, two burgers for dinner, and a McFlurry from McDonald's. I don't even want to know how many calories and how much fat I consumed. My hope, though, is that this will help break my 151# plateau. I've been stuck there for about a week and a half now. This morning I went to the Gym and worked out pretty hard, and for lunch I had grilled chicken, and for dinner I'll have more grilled chicken. Cutting out the carbs is a little trick that helps lessen some of the affects of overeating. I work 2:30-10:30 tonight, and then I work 7-3:00 tomorrow morning/afternoon, and the rest of the week I work morning shifts. I believe I have Thursday-Friday and Saturday off (someone begged me for my Thursday morning shift so I gave it to her). Tomorrow after work I'll go for a run at Stubb's Park. Because of the cold and my lack of leggings, I've been doing my cardios at the Gym and not outside. Hopefully it's warm tomorrow, we'll see.
I plan on going down to Cincinnati Wednesday evening. I am craving one of Rob's lattes, and I have been wanting to just sit down and read through 1 and 2 Peter. It'd be a great time to do that. Coffee, a great atmosphere, maybe a biscotti, and the Bible. Makes for a pretty good time. One appreciates good lattes when he works at a fast-food coffee joint (i.e. Starbucks). Rob always asks how it's going. He hates Starbucks. I am not a big fan of their coffee, and though I get free drinks, I usually just get straight espresso (it's not too bad). But I love the people I work with, and it's always a good deal of fun, and the customers are pretty cool, too. So it's not a bad job at all.
I was going to rearrange my room today but was too lazy. I'll do it tomorrow after my run. I refuse to take naps after my morning shifts, because then I have too much trouble falling asleep at night. I'll take pictures of my new room and put them up on here. It's quite cozy, I must say so myself. And it'll be even cozier when I get it finished.
Anthony, you know we're pretty much the same person right? haha! I love you man. I wish I was back in Ohio right now. I would drive up to see you, get a beer or some coffee, talk about writing, theologizing, and, above all (above all!), seeking the Spirit. What's your church situation like?
Haha. I wish you were still in Cincinnati and not in Europe. But that's probably just because I'm jealous.
My church situation? I'm currently church-hopping, looking for "a good fit." Basically buying into the consumerist mentality of what church should be like. No, I'm currently looking for a "home church." I have friends who go to various gatherings, and I've been church-hopping and praying that I would find someplace to connect.
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