the ponderings and musings of an outback half-breed
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
The Blind Lemon Excursion
Sarah and I went to The Blind Lemon in Mount Adams last night. I got a coffee with Bailey's and milk, and she got a hot cider spiked with vanilla liquor. She didn't like hers, so I traded her; she really liked the Bailey's. We sat and talked and laughed and spoke about many things, some deep and personal and transcendental, and others nothing more than goofy jokes. We went out onto the bar patio and took lots of pictures in various poses, and then we walked around Mount Adams in the twilight, visiting various bars and then going to the Holy Immaculata Church and standing on the steps and looking out over the city. We got back home and ate dinner and watched television and did pilates and a hip-hop dance that I just couldn't perform. Sarah was laughing hysterically as she watched me try to keep up with the trainer. Here is a picture of the two of us we took out on the patio:
Today we woke at 6:30 before she had to go to work, and we did more pilates and I did some strength-training. She headed off to work after our breakfast of oatmeal, and then I went to the Hilltop Cafe and got a coffee withs soy-milk creamer, and here I am at 8:17 waiting for 9:30 to roll around so I can go into work and actually do something productive. Tomorrow Sarah and I are going to her aunt and uncle's house in Wilmington, and on Friday we are going to go to the Hoffborough House in Newport and have beers with pretzels and cheese, and then we'll probably walk up and down the various streets and visit the bookstore. On Saturday I am going to the wedding of two great high school friends, Hank (real name Patrick) and Ashlie (pseudoname "Peanut-Head"). All in all, this is shaping up to be a good week. Now if only I could get some homework done... Wait! I'll have a week off for Thanksgiving with nothing to do except for being stuck in this mangy house. I'll hammer out all my papers then. Sound good? Good.
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