Thursday, November 26, 2009

of lighters and joel osteen

Thanksgiving has actually been pretty good this year. Minus the fact that the battery in my Prizm died. I need a jump anytime I want to go somewhere, and when I turn off the engine, I have five-ten minutes before the power amped up by the alternator flatlines and I'm left looking for another person to pop their hood and let me stick my cables inside. Amanda jumped my car this morning, and we drove to my grandparent's house in New Carlisle. It was pointless for me to drive, and I realized this halfway; I had been planning on dropping off the Prizm at my parent's house so my dad, who speaks like an expert when it comes to cars, could check it out. This was foolish of me to do, because I'd already figured out what the problem was; and after the festivities, I had Amanda jump my car again, and we drove back down to Cincinnati. I'm getting a new battery tomorrow. I'm just glad it's not the alternator or starter, because at least with a battery I am not so ignorant that I can't figure it out.

The meal at my grandparents' house was delicious, per usual: turkey, green bean casserole, broccoli casserole, homemade rolls, homemade mashed potatoes, corn and waldorf salad, and--of course!--sweet potato casserole. It was good seeing the family, and Amanda and I got to spend time together which we don't do too often (which is strange, because we live in the same house and see each other all the time). Tomorrow I have a day to run some errands and get things done (e.g. fixing my car and writing a term paper), and then Saturday we are going down to Lexington to celebrate Thanksgiving with my mom's side of the family. We're doing a Thanksgiving lunch, hanging out, then going to see a movie. It should be a good time.

Last night was quite enjoyable. Two of my friends, whom I've known for about fifteen years, came down to Cincinnati: Dylan and his twin brother Tyler. We got Wendy's for dinner and made a fire, using the remnants of the Bacardi 151 for fuel, as well as an entire bottle of lighter fluid. We burned a Joel Osteen book, which I remarked to be "the most Christian thing I've done this year." There is a picture of this religious burning at the beginning of this post. We also threw lighters into the fire and watched them blow up. I recorded one such incident on film, and here it is:

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