Sunday, November 08, 2009

a wedding

Two of my high school friends, Patrick and Ashlie, got married yesterday. The wedding was beautiful, and they walked down the aisle to Sigur Ros. At the reception they had margaritas and daquiris, and it was great to see so many people I haven't seen in such a long time. I hit up the dance floor with two of my high school best friends, Chris and Dewenter. We "cut the rug" and the bride and groom thought it was hilarious when Chris and I went hand-in-hand and danced to a slow song. The observation has been made, "Friends come and go, relationships are born and die," and ever since coming to college, I've made so many great friends only to see the friendship fade as life carries us in different directions. But with Chris and Dewenter, I have friends whom I can be totally secure about even when we haven't seen any each other for months. Chris, Dewenter and I got our photo taken together (below):

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