Thursday, March 25, 2010

a (brief) visit to cincinnati

Around 8:00 last night my boss reminded me that I needed to bring my passport and social security card into work in order to be put onto the roster. So I went to the fireproof safe and unlocked it and grabbed my passport but--uh oh!--my identification card was nowhere to be found. I searched high and low in the house and in my bedroom and through all my things and couldn't find it. I realized I must have left it down in Cincinnati. So around 8:45 I got into my car and drove down there. I searched through the house and through the few things remaining of mine and couldn't find it. Frustrated I decided it was back in Dayton, and I made the trip for nothing. Kyle called and offered me a paid project, so I went over to his place and picked up some things, and he gave me twenty bucks, and I put it into my wallet and discovered my social security card was nestled between my license and Blockbuster card. Fantastic. But at least I got to hang out with Kyle and I even got to tackle a Thai on the steps leading to the coffee shop. On my way back home I got a text from Ashlie inviting me over, so I went over there and hung out with her and her husband Pat, and Chris and Brian and Allie were there. We had a grand ol' time. It's always good reconnecting with people you haven't seen in a long time.

I just finished working out followed by lunch, and now I'm going to go shower, get dressed, and run off to work. Tonight will probably be spent watching episodes of House. I have tomorrow and Saturday off. I'm hoping a China Cottage trip is in order. Dewenter is usually down for such antics. I'll probably watch lots of tv over the weekend, work out a bunch, and hook up with some people. Amanda, Sarah and Rachel are going clubbing tomorrow night, and Sarah was going to come visit me on Saturday but the UFC fight is that night, so we've postponed--once again--to the weekend of the 9th.

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