A fantastic storm rolled through this evening. Hammering rain, incessant lightning and thunder--the kind of thunder that you can feel in your bones. I used to be terrified of storms, but I overcame that fear by lying in a hammock during a severe thunderstorm. I was mortified for the first ten minutes, but I became entranced by the dancing lightning and the melodious thunder. A sonnet of nature. A beautiful song. Whenever I am woken up by a storm, I open my window (never-mind rain getting inside) and fall asleep to the sounds and the flashes of light. Sure, we've had several storms so far this year. And they've been awful storms. But they've been boring, because they were snowstorms. I always find it ironic that a severe snowstorm can be so quiet and tranquil and peaceful. All synonyms for boring. But this storm tonight... Marvelous! I hope we get some more. I really do.
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